• Sea turtle sightings in Taiwan | 台灣海龜目擊紀錄

    [ Data paper under review - Preprint https://preprints.arphahub.com/article/90210/ ] We describe a dataset of sea turtle sightings around the coast of Taiwan and its islands....
  • Penghu Five Generals 澎湖五營

    Penghu Five Generals 澎湖五營 refers to a system of little shrines that protect the settlement. Prototypically, there should be five generals, but some villages on Penghu might have...
  • Penghu Gardens 澎湖菜宅

    A very coarse-grained description of Penghu garden (caizahi), containing currently as most useful information the geo-reference of the gardens and their orientation.
  • The Japanese Column as Penghu Tombstone Style

    The Japanese Column as Penghu Tomb­stone Style compiled by Oliver Streiter, James X. Morris and HannaYaqing Zhan document Japanese-­style column-­shaped tombstones on the Penghu...
  • Penghu: Little Shrines 澎湖宮仔

    Penghu: The data set of Penghu little shrines documents the little shrines, know as keng­-a (宮 仔) or sio keng­-a (小 宮 仔). These keng-­a a said to be yin (陰), thus of a negative...
  • AR5動力降尺度月資料

  • 氣候變遷關鍵指標資料

    此資料為氣候變遷關鍵指標圖集之計算數據,依據世界氣象組織 (World Meteorological Organization,WMO)建議的「氣候變遷偵測與指標」(Climate Change Detection and Indices, CCDI)定義,以網格化觀測日資料以及AR5統計降尺度日資料針對不同分區進行進算,為評估氣候變遷趨勢的重要參考指標。
  • AR4統計降尺度月資料

  • AR5統計降尺度月資料

  • AR5統計降尺度日資料

  • 網格化衛星日資料

  • 過去變遷測站資料

    氣象觀測資料是從事氣象相關研究或跨領域應用最重要的基礎資訊,氣象觀測以地面觀測的歷史最悠久,進行各種氣象要素的觀測項目最豐富,臺灣最早的氣象觀測紀錄起始於1896年,目前為隸屬於交通部中央氣象局的綜觀氣象站(又稱為局屬氣象站或局屬站),為了讓使用者瞭解臺灣各地過去的氣候變遷情形,TCCIP 整理了具有長期觀測紀錄的 25...
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