5 datasets found

Data Type: Scientific and statistical data formats Source code

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  • Coral Reef Soundscapes off Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan

    This dataset is an archive of audio data of shallow-water and upper-mesophotic coral reefs off Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan. Python codes to visualize the audio data are also...
  • Deep water soundscapes off northeastern Taiwan

    This dataset is an archive of acoustic data associated with the soundscapes of a continental shelf environment off northern Taiwan. Python codes to visualize the acoustic data...
  • Deep-sea soundscapes of Japan

    This dataset is an archive of acoustic data associated with the deep-sea soundscapes of Japan. Python codes to visualize the audio data are also provided in a notebook based on...
  • 臺灣高海拔山峰土壤溫度 Soil temperature of high-mountain summits in Taiwan

    臺灣高海拔草原生態系土壤溫度資料,依照 Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments 的多峰法(multi-summit approach)設置土壤溫度計,在四個方位(東、西、南、北)逐時記錄土壤溫度資料。 補助經費來源:行政院農業委員會林務局...
  • 台灣西部沿海白海豚重要棲地海洋聲景

    本資料集為海洋保育署110年台灣西部沿海白海豚重要棲地水下活動監測與分析計畫,在苗栗和雲林縣海域所收集之海洋聲景資料。資料集中也提供可執行Python程式語言的Google Colab 筆記本以及資料分析程式碼,以說明海洋聲景資料之分析方法與結果。水下錄音資料由觀察家生態顧問公司收集,資料分析由中央研究院海洋生態聲學與資訊實驗室進行。 調查地點...