Science Europe 研究資料管理指南 | RDM Guides from Science Europe

The Practical Guide to Research Data Management (RDM) published by Science Europe and its translation into Traditional Chinese produced by the depositar team.

由 Science Europe 所出版的研究資料管理指南。包含原始手冊以及由「研究資料寄存所」(depositar) 團隊所完成的中文翻譯版本手冊。

Data and Resources


Wikidata Keywords

  • Q17101611
  • Q30089794
  • Q98433008
  • Q5227240
  • Q17085509
  • Q337266
  • Q20872470
  • Q77081357

Basic Information

Data Type
  • Standard office documents
  • Structured text
  • Plain text
  • Chinese (zho)
  • English (eng)

Spatio-temporal Information

Temporal Resolution Yearly
Start Time 2020
End Time 2021

Management Information

Creator Science Europe & 研究資料寄存所 | depositar
Created Time 2021-07-06
Process Step

In the summer of 2020, we started to look for a suitable guide for writing Data Management Plans (DMPs) for the research communities in Taiwan. We found Science Europe's Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management, and used parts of it in several seminars. With the publication of the Extended Edition of the Guide from Science Europe in January, 2021, we decided to translate the entire Guide into Traditional Chinese. We are most grateful to Science Europe for encouraging the translation and for providing the Guide's style template for us to reuse.

The translation is carried out by the project team at the depositar, a data repository open to all for the deposit, discovery, and reuse of research datasets. The development of the depositar has been supported by Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and funded in part by grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Man-Wai To drafted a translation of the Guide. The depositar team (Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Ming-Syuan Ho, Cheng-Jen Lee, and Chia-Hsun Wang) edited and produced the current edition with additional proof-reading provided by Hsiung-Ming Liao. (Tyng-Ruey Chuang, July, 2021, Taipei)

— from the Traditional Chinese translation of the Guide, p. 47

在 2020 年夏天,我們開始尋找合適的「資料管理方案」 (Data Management Plan, DMP) 撰寫指南,期望對台灣的研究社群有所助益。我們找到了 Science Europe 所出版的《國際合用的研究資料管理實用指南》,並使用其中一部份在講習活動。Science Europe 在 2021 年 1 月出版了這指南的增訂版,隨後我們決定將整份指南翻譯為台灣華語。Science Europe 鼓勵這項翻譯工作,並提供版型供我們套用。我們於此致謝。

這項翻譯由「研究資料寄存所」計畫團隊進行。研究資料寄存所是開放的資料儲存庫,任何人都可在上面寄存與尋找研究資料,並再次使用。研究資料寄存所的開發受中央研究院的支持,部份經費來自台灣科技部的專題研究計畫。杜文蔚將《指南》翻譯為初稿,後由研究資料寄存所團隊成員(王家薰、李承錱、何明諠、莊庭瑞)編輯、廖泫銘再次校讀,而產出這個版本。是為之記。(莊庭瑞,2021 年 7 月於台北)

— 摘自《國際合用的研究資料管理實用指南—增訂版》 第 47 頁


  1. 尋找合適的研究資料管理指引手冊,跟 Science Europe 確認翻譯授權問題;
  2. 翻譯為台灣華語文稿;
  3. 中文版手冊設計前的校稿;
  4. 向 Science Europe 詢問並取得相關設計檔案;
  5. 中文版手冊排版設計,並再次校稿。
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