This dataset spans from 2005 to 2020, offering estimates of wet nitrogen deposition derived from an ensemble machine learning model. The ensemble approach combines multiple... -
datasets -
將利用工程控制手段 (外罩、活性碳濾網、排風扇 )等控制措施,以控制 3D列印過程中產生的污染源或降低其排放量,以預防超細微粒暴露至空氣造成人體危害,最後根據採樣結果提出適當改善措施,以提升室內空氣品質 -
The "Eight Great Cuisines of China" in Taiwan - DATASET
Supplementary material for a master's thesis "From Plate to Place: Analyzing Taiwan's Spatial Representation of China's Eight Great Cuisines" Dataset of restaurants representing... -
Restaurant Survey Walks
Supplementary data for a research focusing on identifying restaurants that represent the "Eight Great Cuisines in China". This dataset contains restaurant information that was... -
臺灣高海拔山峰土壤溫度 Soil temperature of high-mountain summits in Taiwan
臺灣高海拔草原生態系土壤溫度資料,依照 Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments 的多峰法(multi-summit approach)設置土壤溫度計,在四個方位(東、西、南、北)逐時記錄土壤溫度資料。 補助經費來源:行政院農業委員會林務局... -
資料來源:農委會資料查詢平台 https://data.coa.gov.tw/Query/ServiceDetail.aspx?id=D77 提供全台平地土壤圖包含:英文土系名、中文土系名、母質種類、土壤特性、土壤形態、排水等級、石灰性、坡度、表土酸鹼性、第一層質地、第二層質地、第三層質地、第四層質地等欄位資料。 <本資料適用政府資料開放平臺資料使用規範>
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