• 新北相褒歌數位化保存計畫

    本計畫旨在將已持續蒐集新北市一帶 30 多年來之相褒歌資料數位化、並公開開放。涵蓋地區為現今之金山、坪林、雙溪、八里、石碇等地區,文字等相關資料集將寄存於「研究資料寄存所 depositar.io」上供各方使用,有外部連結者將於資料集內表示。 本計畫尚於測試、盤點階段,盼能在 5...
  • Penghu Gardens 澎湖菜宅

    A very coarse-grained description of Penghu garden (caizahi), containing currently as most useful information the geo-reference of the gardens and their orientation.
  • The Japanese Column as Penghu Tombstone Style

    The Japanese Column as Penghu Tomb­stone Style compiled by Oliver Streiter, James X. Morris and HannaYaqing Zhan document Japanese-­style column-­shaped tombstones on the Penghu...
  • Penghu: Little Shrines 澎湖宮仔

    Penghu: The data set of Penghu little shrines documents the little shrines, know as keng­-a (宮 仔) or sio keng­-a (小 宮 仔). These keng-­a a said to be yin (陰), thus of a negative...
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