海洋中充滿了各種環境事件、海洋動物和人類活動產生的聲音。聆聽水下聲音除了能讓我們一窺海洋生態的面貌,更能協助研究海洋生物多樣性在面對氣候變化和大規模人為開發過程的變化趨勢。本計畫旨在建立一個大規模的聲景監測網路,解析海洋地質、生物和人為聲音的特徵,以表徵生態系統特定的聲景。存放於研究資料寄存所 (depositar) 上的資料包含了描述聲景動態、生物活動和人為干擾的聲學指標,以及原始水下錄音資料和分析代碼的連結。
The ocean is full of sounds that are generated from geophysical events, marine animals, and human activities. Listening to underwater sounds allows us to remotely acquire ecological data of marine biodiversity and investigate the changes of biodiversity in response to climate change and anthropogenic development. This project aims to establish a large-scale soundscape monitoring network and characterize ecosystem-specific soundscapes. Data available on the depositar are acoustic indicators describing soundscape dynamics, biological activity, and anthropogenic noise interference. Links to raw acoustic data and analysis codes are also available.