2018 pa workshop_Module B_索拉力星 Solaris

  • 講師 Mentor:喬納森·坎普Jonathan Kemp
  • 助教 Teaching Assistant:貝蒂艾波 Betty Apple、倍倍 Beybey Su
  • 學員 Participants: Tery Hsu、凌宗廷、郭人綺、陳姿尹、張凱鈞、林愛家、小元子、Po Lin Li、賴宜靖、劉大維 David Liu 內容:
  • 內容 Description:
    在《索拉力星》(Solaris)書中,作家史坦尼斯勞.萊姆(Stanislaw Lem)主張科學無法幫人類理解異形或與之交流,因為異形的運作方式遠超出人類經驗和可理解的範圍。 後科幻小說將以史呶特博士(Dr. Snaut)在書中諫言為出發點:「我們不需要其他世界。 我們要的是鏡子」,進而探索台北當地的地質,並反映其對人類心靈有何超脫世俗的影響。 本工作坊歡迎所有人參與,有電子相關經驗優、但非必要。工作坊將會包含DIY製作訊號放大器及螺線管,並前往戶外進行實地考察、測試將地質及石頭的訊號轉譯到人腦及精神層面。本工作坊旨在打開心理地球物理學(psychogeophysics)的可能性──地質和我們的大腦間互相控制、調變。
    In Solaris, the writer Stanislaw Lem describes how science is ill-equipped in allowing humans to understand or communicate with anomalous beings because they operate well outside of human experience and understanding. For Post Science Fiction we will take the remonstration made in the novel by Dr Snaut that that ‘We don’t need other worlds. We need mirrors’ as a point of departure to explore Taipei’s local geology and mirror some of its other-worldly impacts on our human psyche. Its an open workshop where some experience of electronics is welcome but not essential: we will build DIY signal amplifiers and solenoids and go on a field trip to test the transcription of earth and rock signals into the brain and psyche; there will be scope to redesign the devices perhaps to interface earth to brain to brain to earth, for example. The workshop is designed to open up the possibilities of psychogeophysics where the earth and brain modulate and are modulated by each other.




  • 壓縮檔資料
  • 辦公軟體文件
  • 影音資料
  • 中文 (zho)
  • 英文 (eng)


起始時間 2018-10-15
結束時間 2018-10-19


產製者 Dimension Plus
資料產製時間 2023-03
聯絡人 Dimension Plus
聯絡人的電子郵件 labdptw@gmail.com