本資料集為台灣生物多樣性網絡(www.tbn.org.tw,TBN)的物種樹系統(taxonomic backbone)的分類群名錄檔案。TBN的物種樹系統我們簡稱為TT(TaxaTree)。TT的物種名錄的來源主要有三,包括: (1) 臺灣物種名錄(Catalogue of Life in Taiwan,TaiCoL); (2)... -
淡水河流域同步鳥類調查 (Tamsui River Bird Count, TRBC) 的2022與2023之公開年報,本調查是目前國內唯一大範圍且非針對特定鳥種的同步調查,亦是以民間組織主導、政府資源輔助、公民科學家參與等多元合作下的成果。 2016... -
Coral Reef Soundscapes off Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan
This dataset is an archive of audio data of shallow-water and upper-mesophotic coral reefs off Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan. Python codes to visualize the audio data are also... -
Deep water soundscapes off northeastern Taiwan
This dataset is an archive of acoustic data associated with the soundscapes of a continental shelf environment off northern Taiwan. Python codes to visualize the acoustic data... -
Deep-sea soundscapes of Japan
This dataset is an archive of acoustic data associated with the deep-sea soundscapes of Japan. Python codes to visualize the audio data are also provided in a notebook based on... -
The role of drought that is associated with climate change in shaping vegetation dynamics in humid alpine grasslands -
Sea turtle sightings in Taiwan | 台灣海龜目擊紀錄
[ Data paper under review - Preprint https://preprints.arphahub.com/article/90210/ ] We describe a dataset of sea turtle sightings around the coast of Taiwan and its islands.... -
Algal Reef Soundscapes at Taoyuan, Taiwan
This dataset is an archive of audio data of algal reefs at Taoyuan, Taiwan. Recording Locations Taoyuan algal reefs extend for a maximum of 450 m from the shore, and the tidal... -
本資料集為海洋保育署110年台灣西部沿海白海豚重要棲地水下活動監測與分析計畫,在苗栗和雲林縣海域所收集之海洋聲景資料。資料集中也提供可執行Python程式語言的Google Colab 筆記本以及資料分析程式碼,以說明海洋聲景資料之分析方法與結果。水下錄音資料由觀察家生態顧問公司收集,資料分析由中央研究院海洋生態聲學與資訊實驗室進行。 調查地點... -
本資料集為海洋保育署110年度臺灣海域重要生態系及海洋保護區調查與生態服務價值評估─自動偵測系統調查計畫,在基隆潮境和桃園觀新海域所收集之海洋聲景資料。資料集中也提供可執行Python程式語言的Google Colab 筆記本以及資料分析程式碼,以說明海洋聲景資料之分析方法與結果。水下錄音資料蒐集與分析由中央研究院海洋生態聲學與資訊實驗室進行。... -
There is no description for this dataset
There is no description for this dataset
There is no description for this dataset
台江國家公園黑面琵鷺族群生態及棲地經 營管理計畫(101)
There is no description for this dataset
There is no description for this dataset
There is no description for this dataset
There is no description for this dataset
There is no description for this dataset
There is no description for this dataset
There is no description for this dataset