Observational data of CWA’s manned and automatic weather stations 2021-2023

Raw hourly observational data of air temperature, relative humidity, pressure, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation and other variables of 31 weather stations in the Taipei Basin. The data period is from 2021 to 2023 summer months which are June, July, August, and September.

Data and Resources


Basic Information

Data Type
  • Archived data
  • Structured text
Language Chinese (zho)

Spatio-temporal Information

Temporal Resolution Daily
Start Time 2021-06-01
End Time 2023-09-30

Management Information

Creator CWA (Central Weather Agency)
Process Step

Downloaded from https://codis.cwa.gov.tw/StationData?target=station

Contact Person Undrakh Ganzorig
Contact Person Email undrakh990819@gmail.com