南投中寮粗坑吊橋上游野溪整治二期工程溪流環境變化監測 (Monitoring the environmental changes caused by the river engineering in the Tsukeng River, Chongliao, Nantou, Taiwan)

無人載具航拍監測紀錄粗坑溪治理工程的環境變化與衝擊 (UAV mapping the environmental changes and impacts on riverscape caused by river engineering in the Tsukeng River, Chongliao, Nantou, Taiwan)

Data and Resources


Wikidata Keywords

  • Q7338349
  • Q16934857
  • Q713745
  • Q922585
  • Q1749732
  • Q1130265
  • Q82357
  • Q484000
  • Q865

Basic Information

Data Type Images
Language Chinese (zho)

Spatio-temporal Information

Temporal Resolution Daily
Start Time 2017-05-25
End Time 2020-03-29
Spatial Coverage show more

Management Information

Creator Taiwan Academy of Ecology; GRID Computing Center of Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Process Step


採用DJI Phantom 4無人載具、ASUS ZenPad 3 (8.0) Android平板,安裝Ctrl+DJI和Pix4Dcapture Apps進行航線規劃及影像拍攝;航線規劃採用Double Grid飛航模式,鏡頭俯角70度,航高離地面120公尺,影像重疊率80%。

Acquiring aerial images in 2017

We used a DJI Phantom 4 drone and an ASUS ZenPad 3 (8.0) Android tablet installed with Ctrl+DJI and Pix4Dcapture apps to perform the flight missions for acquiring the aerial images. The settings for the flight missions were Double-Grid flight mode, flight height with 120 meters above ground, 70 degrees of camera angle, and 80% image overlap.


採用DJI Phantom 4 RTK無人載具及D-RTK 2 Mobile Station連接國土測繪中心DGPS定位服務進行影像拍攝;航線規劃採用Double Grid飛航模式,鏡頭俯角60度,航高保持離起降點地面120公尺,影像前後80%、左右重疊率75%。

Acquiring aerial images in 2020

We used a DJI Phantom 4 RTK drone with D-RTK 2 Mobile Station connected to the real-time RTK GNSS service of the National Land Survey Centre. The settings for the flight missions were Double-Grid flight mode, flight height with 120 meters above ground, 70 degrees of camera angle, 80% forward overlap, 75% side overlap.


採用Pix4Dmapper Pro Desktop建立3D Map完整資料處理專案,投影座標系統為EPSG 3826 (TWD97),無地面控制點;設定輸出3D點雲和中等解析貼附材質模型、正射影像、Google Earth/Maps圖磚、DSM等。

Post-processing aerial images

We used Pix4Dmapper Pro to establish post-processing projects, with EPSG 3826 (TWD97) coordination system, without ground control point (GCP). We further configured the projects for exporting 3D point cloud, texture models with moderate resolution, orthomosaics, Google Earth/Maps tiles, and digital surface models (DSM). Then, we uploaded all aerial images to Pix4Dcloud computing service for post-processing and downloading all data products.


為建立無人載具觀測網開放雲端影像資料處理與資料共享服務,中央研究院網格計算專題中心採用WebODM (https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/WebODM)建置測試平台(http://webodm.twgrid.org:8000),可由註冊使用者發布計算成果網頁連結。目前WebODM的計算效能和資料品質仍不及商用平台,但是,WebODM若能獲得更多合作資源,持續改進運算效能、提升資料品質、增強介面功能,WebODM將會是非常實用的開放工具與開放資料平台,也將是促進無人載具環境觀測網發展的關鍵。此資料集提供網格專題中心初步測試成果的連結。

WebODM testing platform

To establish an open cloud service for post-processing and sharing the drone mapping data from a UAS observation network, the GRID Computing Center of Academia Sinica, Taiwan adopted WebODM (https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/WebODM) to deploy a testing platform (http://webodm.twgrid.org:8000) based on the distributed computing/storage of GRID infrastructure. Although, at the current stage, the WebODM is still not comparable to the commercial cloud computing services in quality and efficiency. However, if WebODM project can get more resources for further improvement in data quality and computing efficient as well as enhancing user interfaces for managing and sharing data, WebODM will be an outstanding open source tool/platform which is essential to the development of UAS observation network. This dataset provided the links to accessing the full data products on the public web pages of the WebODM for the Asian UAS observation network.

Contact Person Yu-Huang Wang
Contact Person Email yuhuangwang@gmail.com