Recently Orphaned Newspapers: From Archived Webpages to Reusable Datasets...
Collected in this dataset are the abstract and related materials prepared for a submission to The 2025 General Assembly (GA) and Web Archiving Conference (WAC) . The abstract... -
Data Validation Tool
This program shows the validation of the CSV dataset generated by the research and checks the correctness and accuracy of the data. -
A Contemplation on Semantic Indexing with Persistent Identifiers
Posters prepared for DH2024 -- Reinvention & Responsibility, held at the GMU's Arlington, Virginia campus, in the suburbs of Washington, DC, USA, on August 6-9, 2024.... -
Earth Deity Shrines - First Edition
This is the first edition of the comprehensive Earth Deity Shrine Mapping project. It contains data related to 752 earth deity, chthonic, and community tutelary shrines found in... -
本資料集為台灣生物多樣性網絡(www.tbn.org.tw,TBN)的物種樹系統(taxonomic backbone)的分類群名錄檔案。TBN的物種樹系統我們簡稱為TT(TaxaTree)。TT的物種名錄的來源主要有三,包括: (1) 臺灣物種名錄(Catalogue of Life in Taiwan,TaiCoL); (2)... -
本專題報告將以波西傑克森小說文本為主軸與出發點,以視覺化的分析結果呈現小說中的人物關係網路;另透過中研院之數位人文研究平台,將書中角色及角色與一般大眾所認知的希臘神話進行文本比較,補足現有資料與解決使用者疑問。並且透過與 AI 製圖工具、chatGPT 協作的方式,將書中角色的形象與一般大眾所認知的神話建構與比對。 -
2023-08-05 Nanshan Gravesite Panoramic Images -- Ricoh Theta Z1
A set of eight panoramic images captured by a Ricoh Theta Z1 in the morning of 2023-08-05 at the Nanshan Gravesite. Four panoramic images are selected and have been edited by... -
2023-08-05 Nanshan Gravesite Images -- Sony ZV-E10
A set of 43 images captured by a Sony ZV-E10 in the morning of 2023-08-05 at the Nanshan Gravesite. Four images are selected and presented as the first four files. The fifth... -
蘇世榮、單一資料集的練習 -
High Resolution Orthoimagery of the Nanshan Public Cemetery | 南山公墓高解析正射影像
南山公墓是台灣重要的歷史墓葬文化區域,但是,近年在都市開發擴張的壓力下,台南市政府已開始強制遷葬作業,造成南山公墓面臨文化地景和草地生態快速消失的危機。為了紀錄和保護南山公墓的地景現狀,我們在 2022 年 4 月 13 和 20 日進行航拍,並產製高解析的正射影像 (每像素地面解析度約 3... -
Experimental Cultural Landscape Imaging and Documentation | 實驗性的文化地景成像與紀錄
The slideset, script, and some imagery for a presentation at the ECAI (Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative) Online Workshop, part of the PNC 2022 Conference. PNC/ECAI 2022... -
此資料集是由苗栗縣政府水利處委託綠川工程顧問股份有限公司,於2021-03-16至2022-12-31期間進行南庄鄉南河圳(河心累距2K+155~2K+177)護岸改善應急工程生態檢核,規劃設計階段生態檢核所產生的資料,包含治理工程範圍、生態勘查、關注區域等基礎資料,資料集持續更新中。 -
Landscape Documentation Workshop Information | 地景紀錄工作坊資訊
2021 Workshop on Cultural and Natural Landscape Documentation 2021 文化與自然地景紀錄工作坊 Date 日期 2021-12-22 Workshop Schedule 工作坊時程 10:00 - 12:00 王豫煌 Yu-Huang Wang 以 360° 全景影像和錄音紀錄環境變遷... -
The Indian Empire
Imperial gazetteer of India. New edition, published under the authority of His Majesty's Secretary of State for India in Council. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907-1909. -
United Provinces
Imperial gazetteer of India. New edition, published under the authority of His Majesty's Secretary of State for India in Council. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907-1909. -
Statistical abstract relating to British India from 1840 to 1865
Statistical abstract relating to British India from 1840 to 1865 -
Occurrence data of terrestrial vertebrates of Son Tra Peninsula, Danang City, Vietnam
This dataset contained information for location recorded of 145 species, belonging to four classes namely Mammal (20 species), Aves (82 species), Reptilia (27 species) and... -
Echolocation call of bats in Southern Vietnam
There is no description for this dataset