A Contemplation on Semantic Indexing with Persistent Identifiers
Posters prepared for DH2024 -- Reinvention & Responsibility, held at the GMU's Arlington, Virginia campus, in the suburbs of Washington, DC, USA, on August 6-9, 2024.... -
Communal Data Infrastructure: Principles, Tools, and Services | 共有的資料基礎設施:原則、工具、與服務
Presentation slides prepared for the LibreOffice Asia Conference 2024, held in Taipei on August 2-3, 2024, as well as some info about the conference. Abstract 摘要 Tyng-Ruey... -
Bringing Computation and Reproducibility to a Data Repository Using Binder
The Binder is an online service that allows users to create and share executable computing environments from datasets in data repositories such as GitHub, Zenodo, or Dataverse.... -
Building An Open Repository for FAIR Data: Experience Sharing on...
The slideset prepared for the 19th International Conference on Open Repositories held on June 3-6, 2024, Göteborg, Sweden. -
How Would The Future Remember? On the Sunflower Movement Archive, COVID-19...
The slideset prepared for the Symposium in Open Science and Data Curation at the National Taiwan University Library on May 28, 2024. This is an abridged and updated presentation... -
2023-11 中山大學 - 資料管理方案撰寫工作坊
本資料集收錄研究資料寄存所 (depositar) 於 2023 年 11 月 25 至 26 日,和中山大學海洋生態與保育研究所共同規畫的「資料管理方案撰寫工作坊」相關資料。 -
depositar 資料集下載次數查詢
可供查詢資料集下載數量的程式,由 cjlee 撰寫。 查詢結果為資料集內的資源被點擊「下載」的總次數。 本程式毋須下載,可直接於 depositar 線上執行。 使用步驟 於本頁面使用 depositar 的 Binder 功能,開啟本資料集的 Jupyter Lab(找尋本資料集左側工具列,並點擊 launch binder 按鈕即可) 點開... -
The Development of depositar—An Open Repository for FAIR Data | 貼近 FAIR...
The slides used for a presentation at the Research Data Roadmap: Guiding Wisdom in the Management Mode Conference at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Library on Feb.... -
Toward a Reproducible Research Data Repository
Collected in this dataset are the slideset and abstract for a presentation on Toward a Reproducible Research Data Repository by the depositar team at International Symposium on... -
Cultivating A Culture of Research Data Management through Bottom-up...
Origin This poster is for SciDataCon 2023 poster exhibition Description Nowadays research teams everywhere face challenges in the better management of research data for cross-... -
The depositar at the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) 2023 Annual Conference
This dataset contains the presentation materials used by the depositar team at PNC 2023. -
Research Data Repositories and Wikidata
In this presentation, we aim to talk about some of ideas to further extend the Wikidata keyword feature in the depositar. -
2023-09 成大學術誠信講座 - 從研究資料儲存庫出發的研究資料管理實務
本資料集收錄研究資料寄存所(depositar)於 2023 年 9 月 19 日成功大學學術誠信講座相關之簡報與活動資料。 該演講於線上舉行,題目為「從研究資料儲存庫出發的研究資料管理實務」。 -
A Persistent Identifier Practice For A Research Data Repository
We present the design and the implementation of a persistent identifier (PID) system based on the Archival Resource Keys (ARK) scheme at the depositar, a research data... -
COSCUP 2022 — 資料長期保存的好所在:用 CKAN 打造的「研究資料寄存所」(depositar)
開源社群的年度盛事 COSCUP 2022 於 7 月 30 - 31 日舉行。研究資料寄存所 (depositar) 亦主持了一個場次:資料長期保存的好所在 — 用 CKAN 打造的「研究資料寄存所」(depositar)。 在該場次中,depositar 團隊概述了資料管理系統 CKAN 的特色、分享 depositar 如何在... -
什麼是研究資料儲存庫?什麼是資料管理方案?為何您需要關心? 課程描述: 提出研究計畫時,被要求同時提交「資料管理方案」(Data Management... -
2022 TaiBIF 工作坊——研究資料管理的規劃與實作
本簡報使用於 2022-09-28 TaiBIF 工作坊,內容主要有兩部分:研究資料管理概述、資料管理方案。 -
Experimental Cultural Landscape Imaging and Documentation | 實驗性的文化地景成像與紀錄
The slideset, script, and some imagery for a presentation at the ECAI (Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative) Online Workshop, part of the PNC 2022 Conference. PNC/ECAI 2022... -
Advocating Good Data Practices: From Research Data Repository to Research...
Origin This poster is for RDA P19 poster exhibition Description Although there is yet a holistic national level support in Taiwan on the pursue of excellence in research data... -
Documenting Cultural Landscapes: Tools and Issues for Collaboration Across Boundaries
This dataset collects the resources that were developed for a presentation of the same title at the Cultural Landscapes in Emerging Digital Scholarship: The Search of Conceptual...