Module D_讓慈愛的機器眷顧著~ All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace

  • 講師 Mentor:樂恬寶 Kiilo/Tobias Hoffmann
  • 助教 Teaching Assistant:楊漢軒 Han Syuan Yang
  • 學員 Participants:Cat Lee、蔡秉樺 Bing-Hua Tsai、陳紀樺 Chi-Hua Chen、闞凱宇 Kai-Yu Kamm、湯曉琪 Hiu-Kei Tong、吳文琪 Wen-Chi Wu、陳怡君 Yi-Chun Chen、Liftinger Dawid、溫英英、劉彥成 Yen-Cheng Liu、林晏竹 Yen-Ju Lin、陳品心、雷廷萱 Ting-Hsuan Lei
  • 內容 Description:
    I like to think (and the sooner the better!) of a cybernetic meadow where mammals and computers live together in mutually programming harmony like pure water touching clear sky. I like to think (right now, please!) of a cybernetic forest filled with pines and electronics where deer stroll peacefully past computers as if they were flowers with spinning blossoms. I like to think (it has to be!) of a cybernetic ecology where we are free of our labors and joined back to nature, returned to our mammal brothers and sisters, and all watched over by machines of loving grace. – 美國作家Richard Gary Brautigan, 1967
    或許,讓不愉悅的情況給箝制住了,人類的想像總在尋找著一個較舒服的溫床。美國發明家及建築師 富勒 的“地球太空船操作手冊” 一書便是一個具有代表性的例子。以一個被機器設備完全控制、承載人類的太空艙內的生態與環境,作為地球環境控制的章法與條件。目的很明顯,我們 “讓慈愛的機器眷顧著”,地球的未來將沒有危機與驚奇。“太空殖民”的發想從兩個互代關係的主題開始,1. 太空裡有著無限可能,2. 太空中的生存環境被完美的機器所控制著。 歡迎來到電訊控制機器的慈愛中,在這個工作坊裡,我們將學習並利用網絡多重入口點來控制體感運算物件,透過 Arduino 連結網頁控制介面,重建一片森林。
    If caught in unpleasant circumstances, human's imagination seeks out into a more comfortable place. Buckminster Fuller's “Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth” is just a prominent example, transferring the practice of a total controlled spaceship habitat as the paradigm over to the planet earth. The aim is clear, “all watched by machines of loving grace” the future of the planet earth is without risk and surprise. Thinking about the topic “Space Colonization” as playground  ~ they are two subjects encompassed which couldn't be further away from each other.  Space as projection of endless possibilities and space under control of ultimate perfect machines.
    Welcome to the cybernetic machines of loving grace.  Related fields of practices:  
Physical Computing, Social Media, Humanity & Media Art. In the workshop, we will create and learn to use multiple entry points to access Arduino via web browser to build a forest.




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起始時間 2012-10-16
結束時間 2012-10-21


產製者 Dimension Plus
資料產製時間 2023-02
聯絡人 Dimension Plus