2010 pa workshop_Module G_遠離螢幕:互動系統程式設計 Leaving the Screen:Programming for Interactive/Reactive Systems

  • 講師 Mentor:Zachary Liberman
  • 助教 Teaching Assistant:木下晃德 Akinori Kinoshita
  • 學員 Participants:
    胡縉祥、黃啓仁、葉廷皓、蕭永陞、周立瑋、曾怡茹、蔡寬祥、王伯宇 、吳佩穎、郭恩慈、謝旻諺、高宏任
    Hu, Ching Hsiang、Chi-Ren Hwang、Yeh,Tinghao、Hsiao, Yung-Shen、Li-wei Chou、Tseng, Yiju、Kuan-Xiang TSAI、Wang, PoYu、Pei-ying Wu、Kuo, EnTzu、Hsieh MinYen、Hong Jen Kao
  • 內容 Description: openFrameworks 以 C++為基礎的創意開發工具,讓藝術家、駭客和開發人員能更有效率的開發新的軟体。openFrameworks 的社群一直成長擴大,唯一不變的是 openFrameworks 的核心精神:一個幫助初學者能夠學習並上手的工具。除了教學和創作之外,我驚覺我更像佈道人,我最常傳達的意念是:藝術的訓練就像其他的科學一樣,是一種探索的形式。另一個議題是 DIWO - Do It With Others(與他人一同工作),近期DIY(自己做)被大力推廣,Make magazine 和 Instructables 就是其中兩個例子。然而 DIY 的下一個階段就是 DIWO。 最後一件要說的事:藝術創作並不難,寫程式,即使是用C++寫,一點都不難!而且我們更要在寫程式的過程中享受其中的樂趣。我真誠的希望你在 openFrameworks 中找到樂趣。假使你還不是 OF 社群中的一員, 歡迎至極!
    Openframeworks is a c++ library designed to assist the creative process by providing a simple and intuitive framework for experimentation. The library is designed to work as a general purpose glue, and wraps together several commonly used libraries under a tidy interface: openGL for graphics, rtAudio for audio input and output, freeType for fonts,freeImage for image input and output, quicktime for video playing and sequence grabbing. The code is written to be both cross platform (PC, Mac, Linux, iPhone) and cross compiler. The API is designed to be minimal and easy to grasp. There are very few classes, and inside of those classes, there are very few functions. The code has been implemented so that within the classes there are minimal cross-referening, making it quite easy to rip out and reuse, if you need, or to extend. Simply put, openFrameworks is a tool that makes it much easier to make things via code. We find it super useful, and we hope you do too.

  • 工具 Software/equipment/material:
  • 參考資料 Reference:
  • 筆記、心得 Notes, Records
  • 成品/半成品/實驗品或延伸的成果 Creation:




資料類型 其他


起始時間 2010-08-09
結束時間 2010-08-13


產製者 Playaround Workshop
資料產製時間 2021-07-31
聯絡人 Dimension Plus
聯絡人的電子郵件 labdptw@gmail.com