2010 pa workshop_ Module C_聲音符號與有聲書 Sound Symbolism & Audiobook

  • 講師 Mentor:劉佩雯 Liu, Pei-Wen.
  • 助教 Teaching Assistant:陳惠娟 Chen, Huei-chuan.
  • 學員 Participants:林芳妤、楊玉梅、賴俞今、張經佩、邱麗芬、郭行毅、黃方亭、、陶定谷 、郭文揚、楊凱鳴、潘佑
    Lin,Fang Yu、Yang yu-mei、Lai, Yu-Jin、Chang, ChingPei、CHIU, Li-Fen、Jose Kuo、Fang Ting Huang、Marcus Tao、Kuo, Wen Yang、Yang, Kai-Ming、Yoyo Pan
  • 內容 Description:說書人是有聲書的始祖,媒介載體與時空的轉換,印刷術的普及替代了說書人的角色,當人們進步的生活越來越忙碌,翻閱書籍的時間因聲音媒介的發展可再次透過聽的方法來閱讀一本書。一般有聲書平穩的唸出書或小說的內容,單純的將文字轉換成有聲的語言,語意的指涉串起文學的意境,例如:汪洋裡切切私語的戀人... 。暫先不論說書人因口氣不同帶出另一層面的伏筆,說書人可以忠實的唸出這 10 個字,聽書人的想像飛翔於架構主角的背景;『汪洋』是漂浮的海波聲,『切切』道出近距離且熱情的耳語交換,『私語』的微音量,『戀人』的甜美,上述的幾個詞若替換成聲音的符號來表現,可能是樂章的一小段,可能是廣播劇的櫬底音效,聽覺接收不再只是理性的解析語意,進而串聯我們曾經有過的聽覺記憶與抽象感官意識,聽者的個人經驗拉近了與作品的距離,添加了個人色彩卻可能遠離了作品的本意。語意和聲音符號都有著不可替代的信號 (signifier) 和指涉 (signified),當下音景變充滿了這類值得玩味的指涉。聆聽音景,聲音,田野錄音與音樂的文化,工作坊以四個主題來聽聲音的符號及其應用,間而譜出不同於早期說書人的有聲書。
    Story-teller is the pre-ancestor of audiobook, the carrier of time-space transformation and the media itself. Later on, printing replaced the popularity of the role of storyteller. When metropolitans has became busier and busier in daily life, once again, is to listen a story by ear rather than read by eye with the helps of electronic medium. The consequences of chained up auditory memory and abstract sensory experiences, listener's personal experience may alter the story itself, of one's very own perception, such additional personal information however can detour from the initial spirit of the story. Both semantic and acoustic symbol has its signifier and signified that indispensable, a moment of soundscape teem with insightful and playful significations are worth of one's further investigation and recomposition. This module involved with listening, soundscape composition, culture of field recording and contemporary music, using four themes to listen to know sound symbols and its application, participator can try to compose audiobook other than early storyteller.
  • 工具 Software/equipment/material: Audacity, puredata (software) Audio Recorder & Microphone (hardware)
  • 參考資料 Reference:
  • 筆記、心得 Notes, Records
  • 成品/半成品/實驗品或延伸的成果 Creation:




資料類型 其他
  • 中文 (zho)
  • 英文 (eng)


起始時間 2010-08-09
結束時間 2010-08-13


產製者 Playaround Workshop
資料產製時間 2021-07-31
聯絡人 Dimension Plus
聯絡人的電子郵件 labdptw@gmail.com